Thursday, July 30, 2009

Meet Bubba

Nope, Bubba is not a new puppy. Have to get that yard fence built before the Husband will let me get the puppy. Several have asked what kind of puppy I will get? I don't have any particular breed in mind. I just want another big lovable dog. I can't wait. Gonna have to get out there with the husband this weekend to set the pipe posts.

Anyway, back to Bubba. I found him on my desk when I returned to my office late yesterday afternoon.

I had just been talking to my co-worker about getting another beta. My last one, Willie, died around the end of last year. He suffered some blunt force trauma when I dropped him on the floor while cleaning his bowl. He was dead the next day. I had him for over 2 1/2 years.

So my co-worker was nice enough to have Bubba all set up and waiting in my office upon my return yesterday. Isn't he pretty?! Willie was the same color.

We started bonding today. People may wonder who I'm talking to when they walk by my office but I don't mind. Bubba's cool. Hopefully he'll last for several years. I'll be much more careful when cleaning his bowl.


lisa said...

Cool!! Alot prettier than my gold fish in the pond!!

Homestay Mama said...

What a handsome fish! That is the prettiest color of blue I've ever seen!

Paige said...

Aww he is sweet. My beta died this or last year too--he was red. His name was En Fuego but I called him Pish Pish. He lived in my office too!

Unknown said...

lmfao I had one of my betta's jump out of a cup I had him in wile I was cleaning his bowl. As far as I know he's still alive. He was my ex's but since hes too much of a loser to even take care of a fish his mom kept him. Crowntail betas are pretty.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Very pretty color, I don't know a thing about fish, probably best I don't get one

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Ohh he is very pretty!!! How nice of your co worker to do that for you!!

threecollie said...

Nice, I love bettas too

Mrs.C said...

Awww. that was so sweet.

I have enjoyed your blog for awhile now, decided to come out of lurking..

CTG Ponies said...

Good luck with Bubba but perhaps someone else should clean out his bowl...

Anonymous said...

go fish!!


Jocelyn said...

Oh that was nice!
We had one in ouur office to named Vinnie.

Blunt force Trauma??? LOL poor Willy !

LadyFi said...

Just gorgeous - looks as if he has feathers for fins!

Faithful said...

Bubba is absolutely beautiful! My youngest son's beta just diappeared one day! We looked around everywhere..of course..his room is a little dusty and messy.. with lots of books,jars of candy, and stacks of his keepsakes so it wasn't easy looking for him! I guess he couldn't take it and decided it was time to get outta Dodge! Keep your desk clean!

Anonymous said...

Nice fish! Do I have the biggest, most lovable dog for you!!! Housebroke too!

Andrea said...

Oh dear!! What a tragic ending for your last fish!! It was very sweet for your coworker to get you a new fish. And two years is a long time for a fish to live!!

Anonymous said...

"....blunt force trauma." Very funny! LOL Love the lower lip on Bubba in that bottom picture;)

Robynn's Ravings said...

He's just beautiful! Here's to a trauma free life - and death.

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful! Sorry about the blunt force trauma! I ahve lots og traumatic fish memories! I will not let my kiddos have a fish!

Lil Mama said...

Ooohhhhh. Ahhhh. I love bettas. I had one named Hercules for a really long time. He actually lived in a 100 gallon aquarium with a bunch of other fish.

Paula said...

He is pretty. That was a sweet gesture!

We had one named "Toothbrush". The kids just could not believe how athletic he was when they saw him swimming upside down. I am a terrible fish keeper!

missy said...

i love these fish they are soooo pretty!!!!!!

Pony Girl said...

Congrats on getting a new buddy! He's a beautiful shade of blue, and I love his name! :)
p.s. love the new hair length!