On any given day, you can find me walking aimlessly down my road with the dogs and my camera. I love trying to find beauty in my surroundings. Luckily, there is very little to no traffic on my country road so the dogs and I roam up and down the ditches enjoying our time together. Sometimes I wonder if the neighbors think I'm a little kookie when they see me on my knees trying to photograph a flower or bug in the ditch. But I only have two neighbors and they both already know I'm a little strange. I figure they just say, there's that crazy girl with her camera again!
So come, walk with me and see what I found this weekend.
Some pretty wildflowers......

Then I tried following this butterfly. It wouldn't ever land.

Harley was still upset about his new haircut.

Lil Man and Pepper leadin' the way.

Well, did you enjoy your stroll down my country road?
I loved it! Thanks for taking us along!
LOVE it!!!!!
poor harley.....i feel so bad for him....bad hair cuts STINK!!!!!
LOVE the second picture!!!!!
Those are really good.
I love the first pic of the Lupine... but the whole walk was heavenly!
Can I come stay with you for a few months and we can go for a walk everyday? ;-)
But poor Harley! Isn't that considered cruelty to animals?
Beautiful! I love to walk too, but don't get to much anymore.
Beautiful Indian Blankets and Bluebonnets deep in the heart of TEXAS! Little guy looks cute in his burr and the pup has gotten huge! Happy Spring and Easter!
Wow. I feel like I hung out with you today (except your photos were WAY better than mine). We were up in the mountains and saw hill after hill COVERED in lupine and California poppies. Unbelievable. And I even talked about you and told Grizzly about Harley's haircut (sorry Harley, but it really was good for a laugh)! Guess we were on the same wavelength today. What a riot. LOL
These are so nice! What lovely flowers! And the light is just wonderful in all of them! Thanks for taking us along on your walk.
Great photos!!! You got all these in just one walk?!?! NO WAY! FANTASTIC!!!
Oh wow! I love all the colorful flowers! I'm so jealous of your stroll. It is so drab here, pathetic.
Having fun with Photoshop, hmmm?
The pictures are great!
Great trip and fantastic photos! Poor Harley!
Thanks for the flowers, that really brightened up my morning! I love the last picture- but Lil Man isn't so little any more, now he's Big Boy!
Hey...wait for me! I wanna take a stroll with you. You think your neighbors look at you now? Wait til I show up with my yellow crime tape, and we start taking pictures!! LMAO! I love your path. So beautiful. You already have butterflies? None here, yet.
"Little" Man? Ummmm... not so much!
I love your pics! Makes me want a good camera...
Wonderful photos ,I will take pictures of my walk , but tyou better bring you boots I you are comin ! cause it is MUDDDYYYY!pre
I loved it! I love the bluebonnets. Harley and his spring haircut are cute and it makes me giggle because we have friends that have gotten their spring haircuts. They all got buzz cuts!
Yes thank you! Your picturs are so great!They just get better and better!
I love the Lil Man and Pepper shot!! Beautiful.
It was a lovely stroll...it's so green down there!
Your Lupines are wonderful! The Indian Paintbrush( or something very similar) make for excellent photos! Lil Man is not so little anymore! I do the same thing out here..everyone is used to my weirdness.. but I am real tired of snowy photos. Your green and blooms were great for my unsprung outlook today:)
Nothing like a stroll with a good friend! I love the flowers!
I love the colors!
I'm catching up on all my blogs... sorry to hear that your husband got laid off. It looks like he's being more productive than I've been since I've been laid off!!
And whenever our dogs get shaved, they always resemble little chihuahuas too. Scary! :)
What a fun post! Great pics!
Love your photography! Reminds me of the quiet country road near where I grew up.
very nice, thanks for the stroll, and great pics as always.
Wonderful stroll. I'm headed to Ft. Worth this weekend and seeing your beautiful flower photos, I'm going to get my baby brother to go out and find some areas around to take pictures.
Our Indian paintbrush isn't up yet, just the dandelions.
Beautiful pictures. I like these kind of strolls.
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