Why haven't I blogged more lately? I don't know. It seems the lack of sunshine last week put me in a funk. And it seems that I don't have as much time in the day. Why is that? Plus my life has been pretty mundane lately.
The husband asks me daily if I have blogged anything. No, don't have anything to blog about. He said I can't get 13,000+ followers like PW if I don't blog anything! I tell him I could blog from now until eternity and never reach that. Heck, I lost two followers this last week!
So I hope the funk cloud leaves soon and I resume posting as usual. Promise, cross my heart! Cause I can't bear the thought of more people droppin' off my followers list!
Nothing to say? That's ok, just post pictures, I love just checking them out. I've never been on a farm so I really enjoy them
It's tough to blog everyday! Really it is. Sometimes you can get too caught up in it and forget about everything going on around you! And once that happens, you take breaks from blogging. Go take some pictures and share them on here. I always like to see yours. Your donkey rocks btw!
Okay - I'm gonna be straight with you, like any good friend and sista would! Quit worrying about that follower list! At least you can respond to your followers! Do you honestly think PW responds to all 13,000 followers! There is no blog pressure here!
Don't worry...tell the Husband to relax ;~) If all the folks I follow posted every day, I'd never keep up...I can't keep up with everybody the way it is!!! An oh my gosh...I couldn't handle the pressure of 13,000 followers!
Your pic today is a hoot!!! That's worth 4 days of blogs!
Yea, don't worry about the followers. A few weeks ago Blogger updated their system and people lost followers because of something called "Google Friend Connect." It might help to think back on the reasons you first started blogging...I don't see ads on your site, so I'm assuming it was to share your wonderful ranch life adventures and photos with friends, family, and new friends? Try to look through old photos or take some news ones around the homestead and see if that inspires a story. Or reminisce and tell old stories from your youth. Or have the hubby guest post on those writer's block days, LOL! ;) But remember we love ya no matter how often you post!
Sweetie! Don't worry about it! I go through funks too where I don't have a clue what to write about and I have tons of drafts that don't get finished in blogger either. I used to have many posts done ahead of time and now, life just takes over. I lose followers all the time too, you can't please everyone all the time. I am glad to know that Google friend connect has something to do with it,but even if it hadn't...no worries. People love you for you! You want the readers who STICK with you because you have come to know each other a bit. There will always be flakes that come and go in the blogging world...
YOU.Truly. ROCK.
I had bloggers block as well the last while . We just need spring , a change in the weather will make a huge diffference I hope. And I won't stop following, tyour photos are too good to miss!
You don't need 13,000 followers - cause you've got me! Hope the funk leaves soon.
Looking at your donkey picture reminds me that the next Sunday Stills chalenge is lines- you got a good one there!
Don't get dispareged, I kinda loose track myself. I just sighned up to follow ya...
Hava great day...Ed
Well, who needs 13,000+ followers when I have the best ones already! I must have the cream of the crop. Y'all are awesome! Thanks for the kind words. I feel the funk lifting!
You lost to followers but still way more than my blog.
13,000 followers? Thats too much pressure. I also lost 2 recently as well, when that new google FC deal rolled in.
Your blog is FABU-lous and take it easy on yourself.
Who wants 13,000 followes anyway? I mean, that's a lot of people- not all of them can be as fabulous as us! :)
I am in some kind of depressed funk too..but so look forward to your blog. You are so refreshing! We all need to take breaks and re-charge but don't forget us cause we won't forget you!
Your pics are art!
On Mondays, just post some miscellaneous pics with or without captions and call it "Miscellaneous Monday" or something like that so it is easy to do... a no brainer for you and nice for all of us readers who luv your photography.
Oh yeah, post more of you for us guys... you are pleasing to the eye!
Dont' worry about losing followers. Any sales person will tell you that you don't win all the time and Ricky Nelson sang that "you can't please everyone
so you got to please yourself"
(song is Garden Party)
btw, did I mention that you could post more pics of you?
Garlic Man
Jacksboro, TX
Am I supposed to keep track of my followers too? Talk about Pressure..I look at following as an easy thing to do so the post shows up in the reader..sometimes I use the reader..but usually not..but a lot of people do. You are doin' great. I love your photos, and your stories..when you get famous ..you will not have time to leave any comments..that would be a bummer:)
we all understand.....i know i get the "funk" alot here lately!!!!! hang in there!!!! with a little sunshine and warm weather maybe it will all be better!!!!
tell the hubby to relax....we all understand!!!!!
Why does it have to be about the followers? Do it for yourself, not for any other reason.
I love your blog, I have learned a number of things from you. I would like to hear more about how a calf goes from ranch to rodeo. Do you retain ownership or are they sold to the rodeo? Just keep being yourself and we will all love you.
Hey....whether you blog daily...weekly....or monthly. I'm still going to read.
I think that sometimes forced blogging comes across that way. So blog when you want. But I will say.....in writing sometimes when you have to sit down and make yourself write...you get some of your best stuff.
Anyway...love the pix.
I love your blog and don't mind sporadic blogging, it's hard to find the time to keep up with the daily bloggers.
Are these your donkeys you keep photographing? I LOVE donkeys and mules or as they are affectionately referred to "long ears"
I'm coming here whenever you blog. I think of you like one of my girlfriends. I couldn't care less what they have to say. It's the hangin' out that's fun. And you always entertain anyway. I'm with Tami. I'm gonna read no matter what or when!
Well I am here for you too. You always brighten my day! It's true, I don't envy PW. I love to have the time to visit all my friends. She may have a large following, but does she have friends, sisters, buddies? No. Sure you can comment on her page and maybe be one of the top 100, but will you ever get a..."I will pray for you and your family","Hope You get out of your funk soon" "Your husband is hotter than my Malboro man" or a crazy email? Will she get to know you as "blog" family? Heck No! I love you, and she hasn't even had the wonderful opportunity to even get to know you. Plllbbh You have it going on sis, people follow you because you are special. I know thats why I do. Now go get your helmet on, make sure and buckle your chin strap, and stop licking those windows!
I think 83 followers is pretty darn impressive. Of course that's me, I only have one follower. Seems kind of like high school again. I never did win any of those darn popularity contests. What really matters it that your photos are amazing! Love the one from 3/15. And from what I can see from all the comments, you and your blog are well appreciated.
OK, Kit, if you posted every day, I wouldn't be able to keep up. So no pressure from my neck of the woods.
I like that you answer our comments, and PW can't do that! So we don't get to know her at all, but we do feel like we know you a little!
And, finally, I like your photos--A LOT! So just post pics on funky days.
I've clicked that Follow button to cheer you up! All I expect now is undying devotion... ;-)
I never ever leave a comment on PW' site. I love her writing but she can never ever read all those comments so I don't comment or visit there every day. I think it's nice that you have a manageable blog, where you know us and we know you....
I promise you won't loose me!
I hear ya on not having enough time to post. You won't lose me either. Who gives a rip how many follower PW has, I'll bet you know yours far better than she knows ANY of hers.
Hmmm I can relate! Between midterms and my own little funk I couldn't even open a blogger page without super twinges of guilt! I also lost a follower this week. I guess if we can't perform they're out of here! LOL
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Sorry !!! I read quite often, but seldom comment. I enjoy your blog a lot so just keep the pictures and stories comming ! Best wishes ! Doris
I'm with TW on this Follower subject. I actually follow more on Google reader, is more reliable and I don't feel as "pressured". And a lot of people must, because I'm always surprised to see myself on a sidebar of a blog I've never been to or had a comment from.
I don't even go to PW! Once...last May when I started this. I like the really personalized blogs...such as yours!!!
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