Yesterday, we made our way to the lease to check and feed the cows. When we arrived, we found them in a nice grassy area enjoying the warm weather. We poured out the feed and all but one ran up. We knew she must have had a calf by the way she was acting. She slowly came up and you could tell by the looks of her that she JUST had the calf. She took a few nibbles of food and went back out in the grass. The husband and I couldn't resist following her to check out the new baby.
It amazes me how well these little babies can hide in the grass. All we could see was the head.

Then s/he decided it better get up and go with momma. From the looks of it, s/he hadn't been up and around yet. S/he still had sea legs!

WHAT?! I'm the first? I'll have to not sleep more often.
Hello baby! It always amazes me that they can hit the ground (almost) running. Thanks for the memories. Haven't seen that in awhile.
Precious! How I wish we had bare ground here like you do!
Aww... s/he's so little!!
You know, I look at cows every day and we will be calving ourselves starting any day now, but I never get tired of such beauty and wonder. Thank you for a delightful series of photos! That is one gorgeous baby!
Awww. And seconding what my mom said. I don't care HOW many new calves I see, there is something so very very special about each and every one of them. What a precious little babe. What is that one's background?
And I had the same problem you did a few days back. There was no word verification. I had to try submitting it five times before one showed up.
Aww I always miss the cows when I read your blog. How cute.
awww...the are so darn cute!!!!
oh i forgot to leave a comment yesterday....your self portraits were great!!!!
We still have a month to wait for our calves, but it is sure nice to see them when they are brand new!
um that wouldn't happen to be a long horn would it??? We are looking for another one. How adorable!! I love to watch baby calves. We don't hsve any of ours here. The are all at the ranch. I will have to count on you for photos of the cute little babies.
Baby animals are all soooooo cute.
PS - I'm beginning to think that Robynn isn't real...the woman never sleeps. I can't tell you how many times she is the first commenter in blogdom.
Aww what a pretty little baby! We banded calves this weekend -fun fun! I only got a few pics until I had to get in the pen and help - Ah life as a farmers wife! I posted the few I had on my blog this morning.
Thanks for sharing, I don't think that us city folks ever get to see such a wonder.
I did get to see new born lambs at my sisters farm a few years ago, but that was pretty much it.
Love the baby pictures!!!
so adorable!!!
Great series of photos! :)
Oooohh, TOO precious! I have rarely seen such baby calves....there is just nothing cuter than baby animals, eh? All legs! :)
Nuthin' cuter than a newborn calf!
How cute!! I'll never get bored with seeing newborn calves, I have a photo album just with calf photos and one day...ONE DAY I will make a calendar full of cute calf photos!
Awwwhh! I love them babies! now.. I'm really missing my mamma cows! (1st winter without them) ..I think I'll go and cry! I like to go and snatch em up and check em out ... can the grandkids and I come and play with yours?
Oh she looks so teeny tiny!! Too cute!! We have some calves in the lot next to us. They are too cute!! That one is tiny!!
Sea legs are the cutest! I love getting to see the brand new ones get up and go.
Sooo adorable, I want one, do you have something that will keep them a baby?
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