Saturday, January 10, 2009

What Happened to being Neighborly?

Late yesterday afternoon, the husband received a call from the neighbor next to our lease place. He left a nasty voice message saying our cattle got out and ate SIX round bales. Of course, as soon as the husband got the message, he tried calling the guy back. He wouldn't answer. The husband tried the rest of the afternoon and all evening, still no answer.

When we both finally got home from work, the husband let me listen to the message. You know it sure is easy to be ugly on voicemail. And I think the guy may be exaggerating a tad bit. We only have 20 cows on the lease place. You can't tell me they ate six round bales in a day! Come on!

So the husband asked me to go check this morning. When I pulled up, two cows were in a trap between our lease and the neighbor's hay. I got all the cows back over in our pasture and fed 'em. Then headed up the fence line to see where they were going thru. I found the spot. It was at the tank. Since the water's gone down, there was a place they could get out. I repaired it best I could and walked over on the neighbor's place to see how the cows were getting from our place, across another pasture, around a house and into the guy's hay. Hmmm, he leaves the gates open in the trap between the pastures. Not that I can tell the guy to close his gates but really! He doesn't have any animals on his place so what would it hurt to close one gate to keep his hay safe. Plus I didn't see six bales of hay destroyed. I saw one that looked ate on. I don't know what the deal is.

The husband called to see what I found out. I told him everything and he thanked me for taking care of it. He said I was awesome! Whatever, any 'ol wife would head out in 30 degree weather to put cattle in and fix fence!


Dot O said...

I think there must at least one of those types of neighbors planted in every single neighborhood/town on earth.

Glad your cows were fine!

The W.O.W. factor! said...

What we do for our Cowboys!
Think that's why they love us so much?
20 cows...6 round bales??? SERIOUSLY doubt that exaggeration.
There is always ONE...neighbor like that. Living here, is the first time we've not had one of those, everyone in our samll community is wonderful!
3.5 yrs..'ner a problem.
...but you know Wifey..we are coming into a full moon, maybe today and that does create monsters!
Enjoy your weekend Dear Friend!

Mikey said...

Dang neighbors. There's always one in the bunch that's a jerk.

Vaquerogirl said...

And the guy that wouldn't answer the phone for your call prolly never came out of his house to find out why you were there...'natch? Sounds like he's just trying to pad his wallet a littlebit.

Libby's Library said...

Yep - there's always one, or two, or three!

White Hot Magik said...

Sounds like a real nice type. I laughed when you said you'd get hurt doing Wii fit, any gal who can stack feed without getting hurt, ain't gonna be bothered by a little ole video game. ; ) Fixing fence, a never ending job isn't it?

RURAL said...

Maybe you should have just loaded up the "remains of the hay", smirk, and taken it back home. After all, if he is going to accuse your cattle of eating it........

Just being neighbourly buddy.


threecollie said...

You really are awesome though.

Anonymous said...

We're lucky, this is the first place we've lived that we don't have one of THOSE neighbors, which is great being that we only really have ONE neighbor.

Jen said...

Don't you just love some neighboors. They are great. What an awesome wife you are. I would have complained it was to cold for me to go fix fences.

Paige said...

There is one in every bunch. There is a neighbor by our farm that complained early one morning that there were colts in his yard==we rush over to catch them--and you know that is not easy when it is babies

when we went to see how they got there, we quickly found our fence cut cleanly and ATV tracks--straight from their shed.


Anonymous said...

Good on you braving the weather and fixing stuff!

And your neighbour sounds almost as nasty as ours! Guess you get them everywhere!

kdwhorses said...

There always has to be at least 1! Glad you got them back and fixed up!