. She has made several requests for more pictures of my Jack Russell, Pepper. So since my world is pretty dull, I thought this would be the perfect time to oblige her!
Pepper has been with us for about 3 years or so. I got her for the husband after his beloved Jessie died. The husband had mentioned that he really wanted a Jack and one day I saw some for sale. I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I bought her and took her out to him while he was building fence. He thought she was the cutest! But soon her cuteness turned into holy terrorness! Pepper almost brought on a divorce. The husband wanted to get rid of her but I couldn't bear to give her up.

We finally decided to get her a playmate cause Harley couldn't keep up with her. And didn't want to for the most part! So Zena came into our lives to entertain Pepper.

They were best buds and still are for the most part. However, Pepper is more into herself than anything. She has HER toys and gets a little selfish at times. But we love her just the same.

She has a ton of energy. She never stops chasing, rattin', or playin'. Sorry for the blurry pictures to come. I have a real hard time trying to get one of her at play.

Every once in awhile, she'll stop long enough for me to realize it. I think I was so excited trying to get the picture, I blurred it as well. But I know she won't sit there for very long so I have to act quickly.

Now that she has gotten older, her and the husband get along better. She still gets in the way when we're out with the cows. She tries so hard to help out.

And she loves her squeaker balls. The yellow one in the first picture. I have never seen a dog destroy a ball in less than 5 minutes. But does it bring joy! She also tore the quacker out of Zena's new duck.....and the stuffin'......now it's just a shell of a thing layin' out in the yard.
That's our Pepper!
Oh THANK YOU!!!! I do so love JRT's! Pepper is adorable. And of course she kills the squeaky toys. It her job. If it squeak's it must DIE. I laugh because my girls will get a new toy...squeak it for a bit then tear it apart (excavate) till the noise maker is found....then killed.
Pepper probable think the other dogs are simpletons for not killing it.
If she ever needs a home....you just let me know. There so quick I could sneak a third in and hubby would never notice.
Jacks are so insane. ADORABLE, but insane. I met one today at a dog park that was mixed with something else, so he was about a the size of a black lab with all the energy of a jack...in other words, he was awesome!
She is so cute!!! I used to work with smooth coated fox terriers and although they were sure a handful I just loved them!
Adorable pup!! I heard something funny online last week, when they were speculating what the "presidential" dog might be. The guy speaking stated that retrievers were good dogs. He said "retrievers have masters and terriers have staff".
I thought that was hysterical! I love seeing everybody's furbabies. Thanks for sharing.
Pepper is a cutie pie...but as far as tearing up toys...My Gracie is the champion of champions. She shreds every toy in a matter of minutes!
I had a jack named Patches. She was the sweetest dog ever. My nephews would tug on her ears and she would yike and just turn around and lick their fingers. They didn't know any better, good thing she did. Unfortunately she had a problem. We had to put her down due to a tumor/mass between her lung and heart she was too small and it was too risky to operate.
And yeah, they can destroy toys in like two seconds.
Now I have a fox terrier (where the jacks came from) damn smartest dog I have ever owned. Expected her to be like my jack but noo...nooo. Waaaayyyy too smart. Like I am talking human intelligence. She pushes chairs to get up onto things, will cause a ruckus so you run away to see whats going on before running back and inhaling your unguarded cookies on the table. You come back and both dog and cookies are gone and you still don't know what the ruckus was about. She also doesn't have the need and want to dig and destroy toys like my jack did.
Pepper is just a cutie! Awwww poor Zena's duckie...but what can you do. I think the JRT's are so cute, but I didn't think I could handle the energy so went with the Rat Terrier...and a mature one. I had to make sure there would be peace in the family if you know what I mean ;~)
Glad you shared her story and pics!
What a delightful post about Pepper!! Such a cutie! I know what you mean about blurry picture....I have a hard time capturing my Sophie as well....always in motion!! :)
She is very cute---but I am glad she lives at your house and not mine--I cannot keep up with dogs like that
Love the pictures! Jacks are so full of energy and naughtiness at times!... Our working golden is very calm inside ( but full of beans and mischief outside)...
BTW - one suggestion is to buy Pepper a black KONG - they guarantee that Jacks can't destroy them...
I think the best thing for a crazy little dog is another crazy little dog. hee hee.
Tami-If we had known you about 2 years ago, the husband would have shipped Pepper to ya!
Ladyfi-Pepper has a Kong but doesn't like it. I guess cause it doesn't make any noise. She has no interest for it. Even when I fill it with yummy stuff!
J&J-Oh no, one crazy wilda** dog is all I can handle!
I'm glad I'm not the only one out there with a heethen dog!
Oh Pepper is so cute. One of my closest friends from college just got a new Jack Russell pup for Christmas from her boyfriend. I am now counting the days until she comes out this spring for a visit so I can play with him. I love Jack Russells, so long as I am not taking them home.
Something my old jack loved but my fox terrier strangely tore apart was a thing called a "wiggly giggly" They go apeshit over the noise it makes and they are really tough.
Thanks for the introduction to Pepper! very entertaining! :)
Cool dog, I've always wanted a Jack russle. I'm doing a post at the Sunday stills site in a couple of days on action pics...
What a cutie! Great pics! She looks like she rules the roost! Love the last pic! A man and his dog!
oh my gosh....jack's...yes they are a bit out of control..but you gotta' love them!!!! she is a little cutie!! but as said above...glad she is at your house and not mine!!!!:0)
Jack Russell Terriers NEVER sleep, do they? I've never met one that wasn't 'wired' 100% of the time! I'd be tuckered out keeping up!
Glad no divorce insued over her arrival!!....or you wouldn't be here!
THAT would be a crying shame! To never have met such a wonderful Lady, a great friend!
Funny how people say the word- Jack Russel Terrier - and never here the word that is most important there- TERROR!
I think they are cute- but gads- I could not keep up with one! Glad you kept him- he's really cute!
Great Post. We just found a squeaky kong for my sister's dog. That dog has killed so many balls and ducks, we lost count. She just lives to see the stuffing! Your Jack is pretty cute!!
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